12G UHD MudigSA Patch lead for use with Argosy, and BES UHD video patch panels. Cables are Plug to Plug, utilizing the latest version of BES 12G UHD MudigSA Connector on Belden 1505F patch cable in black, with violet strain relief boots.
Cables are available in a variety of lengths from 300mm – 1500mm.
Custom variations available on request.
Connector: 12G MudigSA Plug x 2
Cable OD: 6.15mm
Bend Radius: 61mm
Jacket: PVC
Boots: PVC
RoHS: Yes
Operating Temp: 35°C to +75°C
Voltage Rating: 300V
Nom. Characteristic Impedance: 75Ohm
Length: 300mm, 600mm, 900mm, 1200mm, 150mm